Distance healing (also called "remote healing") uses the HTA techniques in a different way by allowing your pet to receive the benefits of energy medicine even if we are not at the animal's location.

Your pets' responses are the same as if they were getting a hands-on treatment.

Remote healing uses great attention and mental focus during distance sessions to clear, balance and stabilize your animal's energy system. A surrogate animal or stuffed toy can be used with clear and focused thoughts directed to the recipient animal to facilitate the treatment.

Distance healing is especially effective for animals that can't be handled directly because they are too frightened or aggressive. It also works with animals in the wild that shouldn't be approached or animals that have been quarantined at a facility.

Long Distance Healing Touch for
Animals® is used for emotional and physical problems of all animals, all ages. Please see our description of Healing Touch for Animals®.

 HTA techniques can be performed hands on or at a distance (no visible energy), which is ideal for working on animals that do not allow human contact, or even long distance where the HTA Practitioner and the animal receiving the HTA session are not in the same area, since all HTA sessions are done by setting the proper intention and accessing the Universal Energy.

Client Testimonials

Animal Wellness


Sadie, Torrance, CA

Lisa called me today and told me she wanted to help ease the condition of her 14 year old Pit bull Sadie. She was diagnosed yesterday with a mass in her abdomen and is not doing so well. Alternative therapy is her choice. Lisa lives in Torrance. I offered Sadie a Distance Healing session. Owners comment: she looks totally different than yesterday. She smiled.

Garret and Instant – Greyhounds

(Garret and Instant are getting distance healing sessions with Annette.)

All I can tell you is both are doing much better. I'm also feeling that I'm improved from my cold, so maybe something spilled over.

(And after another session:)

Thank you so much Annette! Garrett seemed more comfortable and fluid on our walk this afternoon. Seems to be in less pain...YAY!!  👍😊

Deborah S., Irvine, CA


Long Distance Healing Touch for Animals®

Sophie with her owner Claire, Seattle WA

This 4-year-old puddle had pancreatitis, peritonitis, diabetes; has mammarian cancer, 2 surgeries and gets HTA sessions twice a week. She is still alive based on HTA distance healing. She recovers every time.